"If our organizations are really artificial persons, these people are incredibly fat." Today's organizations are obese. I always thought there’s a lot going on in their guts but after a closer look, it turns out there’s too little going on to help shed those extra pounds. Why do we need food anyway? It gives us maintenance energy, right? And energy helps us do stuff. What good is the food then if it saps our energy in the long run rather than adding to it? Remember, the food is composed of nutrients that if not utilized quickly convert into fats and make us slow and dull; unable to respond to changes in our environment. In the context of today's organizations, such nutrients abound. It is crucial to keep an eye on the organizations ability to convert nutrients (technology, policies, procedures and best practices) into energy (revenue, cash flow, ROI). Seemingly trivial measures like inventory turnover and accounts receivable ratios tell us how good the organ...