Rejection could be a real bummer for most of us, until we figure out it doesn't have to be. For those of us who've been watching ABC's Shark Tank – or its Canadian twin, Dragon's Den – the statement "for that reason I'm out" is all too familiar. I would guess it is one of the most widely broadcast statements in the history of electronic media in North America, after may be "you’re fired.” As soon as the pitch ends, almost everyone is sure to get a "no" from at least one of the Sharks right off the bat. Some aspirants are out of luck to the extent of being yelled at by Kevin right in middle of the pitch. The fact that the statement is so common points to the uneasy reality of life; it is impossible to completely avoid rejection. I'm afraid that's the way life works. But then, the good news is, rejection is a sign of progress. It helps you uncover areas of personal growth you never focused on. The best way to make sure you...