You may not believe me, but I have news about the 'f' word; good news! The four-letter word is the open secret behind the success of companies like Facebook and Google. That is precisely correct. Had it not been for this fascinating magic word, we would not have come to know of the many forward-thinking business models that are considered the cornerstone of disruptive innovation we are awed at today. In fact, the modern concepts of collaborative consumption and share-economy, that companies like Uber are driven by and companies like airbnb consider their bread-and-butter, all began with the f-word. The word, ‘FREE sits at the centre of the new-age economy – the freeconomy. In Chris Anderson's widely read article in Wired Magazine, Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business , he observes, "Once a marketing gimmick, free has emerged as a full-fledged economy." Like the other 'f' word you had in mind when you started reading this article, t...